Reflections on Politics, Race and Culture
Busboys and Poets hosted a live conversation in advance of Inauguration Day. The program, entitled “Reflections on Politics, Race and Culture: Where We Are and Where We're Going,” took place on YouTube.
The event featured live music, poetry and special guests.
Speakers seemed eager to jump in on the topics brought to discussion which included politics, racism and the common crossover between the two. The broadcast’s viewers were also privy to a first look at the 56th Selma Bridge Crossing Jubilee, a virtual event slated for March 5-7.
Drew Glover, the Principal Coordinator for the Jubilee, appeared to share an immense amount of passion when speaking of the upcoming celebration. This year’s theme is “Beyond the Bridge” with a focus on three pillars: people power, political power, and economic power.
Glover was the recipient of numerous head nods of approval and support from the hosts as he highlighted the Jubilee’s plans to honor the late Congressman John Lewis. He was met with the same responses as he shared his views on the current political climate and his fear of recent attempts to derail and disregard vital points in history, including the civil rights movement.
“That is one of the reasons the Jubilee is so important,” Glover said. “It lifts up and brings us together in remembrance and commemoration of what happened during the civil rights movement. The suffering, the violence and the struggle that people had to endure to be seen as people and to be able to participate in our democracy.”
In final remarks, Glover expressed the importance of keeping the flame lit beyond the yearly celebration and the need for a generational share of knowledge.
“We need to come back every year and commemorate- but not end there,” Glover said. “The trick is to continue the movement, recommit to what’s going on and make it so that, especially young people understand the history, gain the skills they need to pick up the torch and keep going.”
Visit to register, donate and receive updates about the event. You can also watch the replay of the Busboys and Poets program on YouTube at
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